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When to Choose Veneers Over Teeth Whitening

When to Choose Veneers Over Teeth Whitening

Your teeth may be discolored for a variety of reasons. If you don’t like the way they look, two options — teeth whitening and veneers — can effectively brighten and whiten your smile. 

Dr. Hannah Baek and the team at Healthy Smile Dental want you to enjoy excellent oral health, and we also want you to love the way you look when you smile. Deciding whether to get teeth whitening or veneers can seem like a complex choice, however, if you know why your teeth are discolored the decision is easier. 

We offer both procedures right in our office in Woodridge, Illinois. Here are a few facts to help you consider your options. 

Professional teeth whitening 

Over-the-counter products that claim to whiten your teeth abound. But having your teeth professionally whitened in our office is far more effective. 

Dr. Baek uses a bleaching agent that’s much more concentrated than anything available on drugstore shelves. Additionally, she uses the Philips Zoom® laser to improve the performance of the whitening agent that’s applied to your teeth. 

Whitening works best when it’s used to address external stains, such as those caused by: 

For most people, professional teeth whitening results in teeth that are several shades lighter and and brighter. 


Dental veneers are thin shells made of composite resin or porcelain that we permanently attach to the front surfaces of your teeth. In order for them to fit properly, Dr. Baek removes an extremely thin layer of enamel from your teeth. 

You can generally expect your veneers to last about 5-10 years. Porcelain veneers tend to both look more natural and last longer than composite veneers, but they’re also more expensive. 

Some of the reasons veneers may be a better option for you include: 

Veneers can completely transform your smile, so if you’ve always wanted a “Hollywood smile,” they’re an excellent option. 

Making the right choice

Your current dental health and your goals are the two biggest factors when it comes to making a decision between teeth whitening and veneers. 

Whitening is often the best choice for normal staining that happens from day-to-day eating and drinking. Veneers cost more, and the procedure is more involved, but they offer a permanent solution that lasts longer. Veneers can also correct issues that whitening can’t, such as gaps, cracks, and chips. 

Before you decide, schedule a consultation with Dr. Baek. She can assess your situation and help you determine the best way to reach your smile goals.

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