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Does My Toothache Need Emergency Dental Attention?

Does My Toothache Need Emergency Dental Attention?

When a tooth hurts, it’s hard to focus on anything else. Sometimes an over-the-counter remedy can provide some relief, but when your toothache persists, you likely have an underlying issue that needs attention. This could be anything from dental decay to a chipped or broken tooth. 

Pain signals that something isn’t right and should not be ignored. Never brush off persistent tooth pain. Instead, take advantage of the skilled Emergency Dental Services at Healthy Smile Dental in Woodridge, Illinois. Dr. Hannah Baek and her team can examine your tooth and find a remedy to relieve your pain. 

Common reasons for dental pain

Pain is your body’s way of getting your attention and directing you to a problem with your health. Tooth pain should not be ignored — taking a “wait and see” attitude can be the worst course of action. A toothache can signal serious dental issues that will only worsen with time. Here are some of the most common reasons for dental pain

Untreated dental decay

A tooth infection or abscess can form alongside or underneath a tooth root and cause pain. This is because the infection has reached the nerves of the tooth; by this time, the infection has a good start. Infections can erode your tooth structure and even the underlying bone support. 

Infections can also make their way into your bloodstream and cause chronic health problems. These bacteria can cause respiratory problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease.

Moreover, the pain level can also indicate the seriousness of the infection. Severe pain is often an indicator of a serious infection, usually due to a cracked tooth, decay, a loose filling, or some other gateway for bacteria to reach the tooth nerves and roots. 

Tooth sensitivity

Some patients have a problem with tooth sensitivity. When consuming hot or cold food or beverages, they may experience a brief flash of pain. Dr. Baek can offer some treatments and oral care recommendations to help with this condition.  

However, when this condition suddenly occurs and has never happened before or worsened, the sensitivity could be due to other dental problems. This is a signal to schedule an appointment with Dr. Baek and her team to investigate the source of your tooth sensitivity and pain. 

Preventing tooth pain 

The best way to prevent tooth pain is with routine home oral care that includes brushing twice a day and flossing at least once a day. Our team can show you the proper brushing method and recommend toothpastes and toothbrushes for superior oral care at home. 

We also recommend bi-annual dental checkups and cleanings to prevent plaque and tartar buildups that can cause oral problems like infections. Regular dental exams also let our team detect any developing dental issues early, so treatment can be less invasive and prevent many serious dental problems. 

If you’re experiencing a persistent toothache or heightened tooth sensitivity, call healthy Smile Dental at 630-910-1900 or use our online booking tool to schedule an exam. 

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